

Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee, an educator and diversity trainer, was the keynote speaker for Westminster’s Diversity Day Jan. 22 that involved the entire school community.
Lee is a faculty member at Seattle Girls’ School, 担任科学教师和专业外展专家的双重角色. 她在许多会议和非营利组织上发表过演讲,并与美国200多所公立和私立学校合作.S., as well as colleges and universities. For several years, 她曾在全国独立学校协会(NAIS)多元化领导研究所任职, among other leadership roles.
这一天开始时,李向全体教员发表了题为“我所说的和我的意思:跨文化交流”的演讲.” She described the dimensions of identity and culture, including internal, external and institutional factors. 她指出,人们的某些方面如何导致边缘化和刻板印象的经历. As part of the presentation, 教师们分成小组讨论沟通方式的变化.
In an all-school assembly in Werner Centennial Center, 李的主题是“无意识和隐性偏见:弥合公开的价值观和日常行为之间的距离”.她在演讲一开始就说,她非常喜欢和青少年一起工作. “这是一个大脑发育的时期,现在的练习已经深入人心,” she said. 她分享了大脑如何走捷径的例子,因为它无法处理每分钟进入它的110亿位信息. She showed how these shortcuts can result in bias. “Our brain makes assumptions,” she explained, 同时列出了20种可以影响决策的有效认知偏见.
她描述了内隐偏见是如何在潜意识层面上对一个人或一群人的偏好或反对. “We are not aware that we have them,” she said. 她展示了一段关于隐性偏见的视频,其中科学美国前沿主持人兼演员艾伦·阿尔达与哈佛大学的一名研究人员交谈. 她还举例说明了日常生活和学校中的隐性偏见. “在皇冠2021app下载地址里,没有减少偏见的灵丹妙药,”她说. “It takes intentional work.”
Following the assembly, 三年级和四年级的学生在同伴领导的小组中会面,旨在促进他们将自己和同学视为具有独特故事的个体. 五年级和六年级的学生参加了由教师主持的17次会议之一,主题是皇冠2021app下载地址中的平权行动, collegiate athletics, danger of a single story, feminism, masculinity, powerful dynamics, music and civil rights, and more. 这一天以咨询小组会议结束,学生们讨论了一天的活动.

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In keeping with our support for a diverse community, 威斯敏斯特遵守所有适用的联邦和州法律,不歧视任何受保护的特征, including race, color, religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national and ethnic origin, 血统和/或教育政策管理方面的残疾, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. Westminster admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, 以及学院一般给予或提供给学生的活动. 
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